
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Delays in processing CETVs and PSOs

We’re aware that some members have been impacted by a delay in providing Cash Equivalent Transfer Values (CETVs) and Pension Sharing Orders (PSOs).

19/06/2024 |

PDF form issues

We’re aware of issues when viewing our PDF forms in a web browser and we're working to fix it.

04/06/2024 |

Employer Portal drop-in session

Join us for our Employer Portal drop-in session in June.

03/06/2024 |

Employer Secure Messaging

Learn more about our new way to contact us through Employer Secure Messaging.

03/06/2024 |

We've updated our guides webpage

View our updated guides webpage.

03/06/2024 |

Seeking a TPS Pension Board employer representative

The Department for Education are seeking a Teachers' Pension Scheme Pension Board employer representative.

03/06/2024 |

Finance update

Read our short finance update for June submissions.

03/06/2024 |

Preparing members for retirement

Help us to help you with preparing members for retirement.

03/06/2024 |

Share with your employees – new personalised calculator

Tell your employees about our new personalised calculator.

03/06/2024 |

Member contact number

Please ensure to give member's the correct contact number to contact us.

03/06/2024 |