Preparing members for retirement

We’re approaching the busiest time of year for retirement applications and we need your help.

We ask that your service and salary submissions are right first time as this is key to helping us calculate retirement quotes and processing applications accurately, reducing recalculation and overpayment situations. This will benefit your staff, as it will limit the duplication of work you would have to do.

To help you further, we've put together a factsheet setting out all the information to explain what goes into a member's retirement calculation.

We’ve also a dedicated member retirement webpage focusing on member retirement on our website and the option to join one of our Retirement Options webinars. Our brilliant training team will run through example calculations, talk about the changes in the Scheme due to Transitional Protection and discuss the retirement options and process.

You can also book onto a Retirement Options webinar (This link opens in a new window) today to help you further with the process.

Last Updated: 03/06/2024 13:34