Finance update

Employer Contribution Rate

We’d like to remind you, the employer rate increased to 28.68% with effect from 1 April 2024.

Several employers have continued to submit at the previous rate of 23.68%. As we can’t accept these submissions, we’ll be making contact if your May submission has not been updated accordingly.

MAT/Academy contributions submission

Just a reminder for MATs, with effect from April 2024 any submissions should either be:

  • one payment, one breakdown form/file and will be posted to the 751 number or
  • separate payments with separate corresponding files (dependent on the number of academies in the MAT).

MATs will no longer be able to submit multiple (separate) payments for Academies under the 751 number only.

For employers who do submit under the second option of multiple payments and multiple breakdowns under the separate academy numbers, separate EOYCs will be required for each academy at the end of the year.

We’ll be in touch if MATs aren’t submitting returns in the correct format.

Maternity Pay

We continue to see a number of ratio queries for employer contributions where the reason given is maternity.

It’s important to note that employer contributions are due only on the actual maternity salary paid and not the salary the member would have been on in their normal (non-maternity) role.

The contribution template should be completed in the relevant tier using the reduced salary, and then the employer/member contributions due on that salary.

EOYC Cash Notifications

The FY24 EOYC cash notifications were issued on 25 April and were placed in your establishments data centre mailboxes.

If you’ve not had notification of your annual contribution total, please contact our team (This link opens in a new window). In all correspondence relating to the EOYC can you please quote your Employer Reference number in the subject field.

Last Updated: 03/06/2024 14:23