
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Help your Newly Qualified Teachers get to know their pension

We created Pension PlanIt to help new teachers learn more about their pension and the benefits of saving for life after work.

25/11/2019 |

Regulation changes

We wanted to make you aware of changes to certain Scheme regulations for members which came into force this September.

25/11/2019 |

Help us reach one million My Pension Online (MPO) registrations

Nearly one million members of the Scheme are using My Pension Online (MPO) to keep track of their pension.

25/11/2019 |

Updates to the member Benefit Statement

Following feedback from various stakeholders, including members and unions, we’ve updated the member Benefit Statement.

25/11/2019 |

Teachers' Pensions Action Forum (TPAF)

On 13 November we held our second bi-annual Teachers’ Pensions Action Forum (TPAF) event in London.

25/11/2019 |

Focus groups

We always like to get feedback from employers and members and to maximise this we’ve held focus groups in three locations this year. We’ve held focus groups in Bristol, Manchester and Birmingham for both members and employers.

25/11/2019 |

Arrears of contributions

For the purpose of accounting we’ve got two separate bank accounts for receipts, one for the monthly contributions only, and a second for all other receipts from employers and members.

25/11/2019 |

Payment of monthly contributions

It’s important to make sure the monthly contributions for each employer record are allocated correctly to assist with the End of Year Certificate process.

25/11/2019 |

Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) guides update

Since releasing the MCR guides we’ve had feedback from various stakeholders and as such we’ve updated the guidance documents to make them easier to understand.

25/11/2019 |

Update to member search

After reviewing our processes for newly qualified teachers, we've agreed to reintroduce using Surname and Date of Birth as search criteria for members with no existing service.

19/11/2019 |