
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Latest factor changes

New factors have been provided by the Government Actuary’s Department (GAD)

25/03/2024 |

Changes to Lifetime Allowance from 6 April 2024

The Lifetime Allowance for the 2024/2025 tax year will be abolished from 6 April 2024 and is being replaced by three new allowances.

22/03/2024 |

Finance update

Read our short finance update for March.

04/03/2024 |

Important information regarding your submissions

Important information regarding submissions for Multi Academy Trusts, Academies, Local Authorities and Payroll Providers.

04/03/2024 |

Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) surgery

Join us for our monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) surgery in March.

04/03/2024 |

End of Year Certificate drop-in session

Join us on our next employer drop-in session.

04/03/2024 |

Changing payroll providers

Thinking about changing payroll providers?

04/03/2024 |

Members with previous pensionable public service

Any members who’ve got a pension in another public sector pension scheme, need to inform us.

04/03/2024 |

Deadline for Faster Accrual and Buy Out elections

The deadline for Faster Accrual and Buy Out elections is 31 March.

04/03/2024 |

Encouraging colleagues to read the bulletin

Forward our monthly employer bulletin to your colleagues.

04/03/2024 |