Finance update

Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and Academy submissions
When submitting under a MAT you must send either one payment and one slip/file for the trust or one payment and one slip/file for each establishment, the two methods cannot be mixed and matched.
If you’re adding new establishments to a MAT please contact (This link opens in a new window) before the change is made.
Please ensure all invoices are paid to the correct bank account.

Unaudited End of Year Certificate (EOYC)
Thank you to those employers who’ve submitted their unaudited EOYC. To date, there have been over 85% returned/uploaded via the Employer Portal.
For those yet to submit an unaudited certificate, can you please send it as soon as possible as we’ve passed the 31 May deadline.
Audited EOYCs
Just a quick reminder that audited EOYCs should either be emailed to (This link opens in a new window) or posted to us only. 
Please don’t try to upload via the Employer Portal.

Employer Contributions
We’d like to take the opportunity to remind employers that the employer rate from 1 April 2024 increased to 28.68%. 
This rate applies to all employers, and we’ll be in touch if a submission doesn’t match this. 
It’s a mandatory rate and employers don’t have the discretion to submit a different rate irrespective of any contractual agreements with members.



Last Updated: 06/08/2024 13:56