Member factsheets

Member looking at factsheets

We’ve produced a series of factsheets, which will support you in helping your members. For more member factsheets please take a look at our member resources page.

Leaving pensionable employment (PDF, 73 KB) (This link opens in a new window)

This factsheet provides more information on members' options should they wish to leave the scheme. You may wish to provide them with this sheet or direct them to the member area of the site where they can download a copy themselves.

Information on death benefits (PDF, 88 KB) (This link opens in a new window) Factsheet answering questions related to member benefits after they die.
Increasing pension benefits (PDF, 85 KB) (This link opens in a new window) Information on the options members have to increase their pension benefits.
Maternity / Paternity (PDF, 68 KB) (This link opens in a new window) Information on members options when taking time off for paternity or maternity.
Pensions and divorce (PDF, 103 KB) (This link opens in a new window) Member information on divorce and the impact on their pension.
Retirement lump sum (PDF, 80 KB) (This link opens in a new window) Answers for members on making decisions in relation to their lump sum.
Members returning to work after claiming benefits (PDF, 80 KB) (This link opens in a new window) Information for members who have retired but are not claiming ill health benefit.
Working out average salary (PDF, 61 KB) (This link opens in a new window) How a members average salary is calculated.
Working part time (PDF, 78 KB) (This link opens in a new window) Guide for members covering questions relating to part time work.
Last Updated: 05/06/2024 12:22


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