New process for Starters and Leavers

September will see the start of Teachers’ Pensions taking over the responsibility for providing starter and leaver information directly to members where contact information is available.

We’ll be directly contacting all members entering or leaving the Scheme, but only where they have a My Pension Online(MPO) account or we have an email address.

We consider ‘starters’ to be members who:-

  • Are just starting their teaching career and are completely new to the Scheme
  • Transition members who have moved to the career average arrangement after their tapered protection ends
  • Have changed employer
  • Have previously been in the Scheme for less than 2 years but have had a repayment of their contributions.

A ‘leaver’ is a member who has left all eligible employment in the Scheme (a withdrawal indicator for all employments).

All members will receive an email and information bespoke to their starting or leaving circumstances.

So you can see what the employees will receive, we’ve created a section on the website with all the factsheets and new guide.

Unfortunately we’re unable to communicate with those members who do not have an MPO account or where we do not hold an email address.  To help us to communicate directly with your employees, we’d encourage you to look at the MPO Report you receive each month via the Employer Portal. This provides you with details of all those members who have not yet signed up to MPO.  We also send you a monthly email that includes a link to an email you can circulate to members to encourage them to sign up.

Alternatively, if you do have a member who does not have an MPO account, you can provide them with a copy of the factsheet or guide they would have received (although this will not have bespoke information within it).

We’ll be providing more information through this bulletin, but it’s really important for us to have member email details and for you to encourage members to sign up to My Pension Online. 

Last Updated: 30/01/2019 12:55