Making my choices

You’ll have choices to make depending how you’re affected by Transitional Protection. From 1 October 2023, affected members will start receiving their Remediable Service Statement (RSS). You’ll be asked you to make a choice on whether to take your remedy period service in the final salary or career average scheme.

As we’ll have to contact all members affected by the remedy from this date, please bear with us as it’s likely to take some time to reach everyone.

This is the timescale for contacting members depending on their circumstances:

*These dates are correct at time of publishing but are subject to change as we’re awaiting HMT guidance. We’re aiming to provide you with your RSS by March 2025 as per the regulations.

I've already retired

  Starting from Hoping to finish by
Retirement  December 2023 March 2025
Ill-Health January 2024 December 2024
Bereavement February 2024 February 2025

I've yet to retire

You won’t need to make your choice on your remedy period service until you apply for retirement. You’ll receive your RSS as part of the application process.

However, a Benefit Statement RSS will be available to request from September 2024 through My Pension Online (MPO). If you've not yet registered, then visit our registration page.

This will help you to start considering your retirement options in advance of any retirement application.

  Starting from 
Retirement RSS October 2023
 Ill-Health RSS November 2023
 Bereavement RSS November 2023

I have rollback choices

If you:

  • took out any flexibilities (Faster Accrual, Buy Out or career average scheme Additional Pension), or
  • worked any overtime or excess service in the career average scheme during the remedy period,

You’re required to make a decision as these aren’t available in the final salary scheme. To make this choice, we’ll be issuing you with a Rollback Choices Statement between October 2023 and July 2024.

You’ll need to make a choice regarding these flexibilities in addition to deciding which scheme any remedy period service will be in before you retire.

You don’t need to pay to claim your remedy benefits and make your choice. Using a paid service doesn’t mean you’ll get your choice any sooner or affect the options you have.

Last Updated: 21/05/2024 10:29


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