Retirement - John

Status: Retired | Role: Headteacher

Keeping on top of his options in retirement.

Keeping on top of his options in retirement.

John is 65 and is a retired Headteacher. He has been receiving his teacher’s pension for the last five years after retiring at his Normal Pension Age of 60.

John likes to keep up to date with his pension and accesses his P60s and monthly payslips using My Pension Online. He regularly checks his personal details are up to date to ensure his retirement continues to run smoothly.

Although John is enjoying his retirement, he’s recently started to think about returning to the classroom part-time. He’s started to look online to see what getting back into employment would mean for his annual pension.

What can John do?

If John decides in the future that he wishes to return to work he can use the online retired member calculator to see how much he would be able to earn without affecting his current pension entitlement. He should also use the online retirement guide to support him with any queries that he may have, including those about Additional Service After Retirement (ASAR), and check out the retired newsletters for the latest Scheme news and updates.

Do you sound like John? Here’s what you can do:

  1. Register for My Pension Online (MPO) to check your personal information is up to date including your income payment details and your death grant nominations
  2. Make use of the online retirement resources to guide you through your retirement and use the FAQs to see what you should do if you decide to return to work
  3. Read the retired member newsletters to keep up to date with key information about the Scheme and any changes that could affect your pension.
Last Updated: 26/06/2024 11:53