
If you're wanting an overview of Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) we've an introductory training video which you can watch at any time, this also gives you a basic overview of what MCR is.

We’ve created a new enhanced training programme of three training sessions which are around an hour in length and cover:

  • Process overview, which will cover the on-boarding preparations, MCR preparations and submissions, MCR checklists and error corrections, and steps to be completed post- submissions
  • Data set and contributions, which covers the data sets and contributions that are required for your submission
  • Example scenarios, which will show you scenario examples of MCR submissions to help you understand what you need to include each month.

You can register onto our enhanced webinars and our regular training on our website.

We've also created a selection of bite size videos to help you with your submissions. These include:

  (This link opens in a new window)

Last Updated: 06/09/2022 10:51


Get to grips with MCR using our guide.

Download (PDF, 1.6 MB) (This link opens in a new window)


See how members pensions are built and explore the available options.



Have you read our Monthly Contributions Reconciliation FAQs?