Application process for board representatives

Selection process for Employer and Member Representatives


The Department will write to all groups representing members and/or employers that are included on the standard list of consultees and invite them to nominate up to two individuals per organisation for membership of the Board. The department will also advertise within its various newsletters and bulletins, as appropriate, and on the Teachers’ Pensions Website to attract a wide pool of applications.

All interested applicants will be asked to provide a personal statement of no more than 250 words along with a CV. Applicants are also asked to complete a diversity monitoring form, a political activity form and a declaration of interests form.


The Department will score applications received against the skills and experience detailed in the role and person specification to shortlist candidates. An agreed score will be determined prior to the shortlisting process to set a level at which candidates will be invited for interview. The shortlisting panel will comprise the TPSPB Chair and department officials.

Due diligence checks will also be carried out on candidates selected for interview.


Those candidates scoring at or above the agreed benchmark will be invited to interview. Where possible these will be face to face, but interviews may take place on Teams or by telephone.


Once the best match candidate(s) have been identified, the department will seek approval from the Secretary of State for Education, usually via the Minister of State for Schools Standards, to proceed with the appointments. Where appropriate a reserve list will be held.

Candidates and nominators (where required) will then be notified, but appointments will not be confirmed until pre-employment checks have been completed.

Appointment of the Independent Pension Specialist

The Board requires its Independent Pension Specialist to have a depth and breadth of knowledge across the pension landscape - both private and public sector. This will allow them to best support the Board, providing expert technical knowledge.

The Pension Specialist will therefore be recruited by fair and open competition through national advertisement via specialist pension media, such as pensions magazines/literature/websites.

A similar shortlisting and interview process will take place, as described above, with Ministers having the final approval. Final appointment is subject to the successful completion of pre-employment checks.

Appointment of the Chair

The position of TPSPB Chair will be recruited via the Public Appointments website. Applications will be shortlisted against the advertised criteria, and candidates will be invited for interview by departmental officials, with Ministers having the final approval. The interview process may include the top candidates meeting the Minister of State for School Standards for an informal discussion, prior to the final decision being reached. Appointment will be subject to the successful completion of pre-employment checks.

Document Name


List of Board member roles

Download list of Board members (DOCX, 22 KB) (This link opens in a new window)

Last Updated: 20/05/2024 09:52


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