Transitional Protection changes

We’ve been keeping you updated about the Transitional Protection (McCloud) case and the changes to the Scheme. For more information, please take a look at our website (This link opens in a new window).

It’s important to be aware these changes will apply from 1 April 2022. From this date, all active members in the Scheme (and any future members) will be part of the career average scheme (PDF, 134 KB) (This link opens in a new window). This is the case even if you were a protected member in 2015. 

We’ve recently started contacting protected members to let them know more about this change. Please keep an eye out for any correspondence from us.

If you’re feeling uncertain about the changes, we’ve put together a series of case studies that showcase different scenarios (This link opens in a new window), along with a short video (This link opens in a new window). These resources will help you get a better understanding of how these changes may affect you and to highlight the choices you’ll have because of the "McCloud remedy" when you come to retire.


Last Updated: 24/03/2022 09:34