Transitional Protection Arrangement consultation exercise

We previously informed you that the government was seeking to address the discrimination caused by the transitional protection arrangements, when the career average arrangement was introduced in 2015. This applies to all main public service pension schemes, including the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. Action is required after the courts deemed that younger members of the judicial and firefighters’ pension schemes had been discriminated against because the transitional protection applied only to older scheme members.

The government has now launched its consultation on the proposals to address the discrimination and it’s published here (This link opens in a new window). If you were in post on the 31 March 2012 and still in post on 1 April 2015 then the consultation will apply to you.

This is your opportunity to provide feedback on the proposals. Remember the government has confirmed that your pension entitlements are safe and that the changes it makes to remove the discrimination will be for all affected scheme members and not just those who have lodged claims.

This consultation will run for 12 weeks and close on 11 October 2020. You can respond by email to (This link opens in a new window).

Alternatively, you can post your response to:

Pensions Remedy Project Team

HM Treasury


1 Horse Guards Road



*Please DON’T send a response to Teachers’ Pensions.

The government has provided an update on the cost control mechanism, which can be found here (This link opens in a new window).

When will we know specifically what is happening to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme?

Following the consultation, the government will consider the feedback and then publish their response and announce the final policy decision. Individual schemes will then draft and consult on their scheme regulations.

Where can I find more information?

You’ll find detailed information on the proposals in the consultation document along with a leaflet (This link opens in a new window) explaining them.

We’re also creating a series of FAQs which should hopefully help you understand the changes being suggested. These will be found here.


Last Updated: 23/07/2020 14:26