Are you making the most of your My Pension Online (MPO) account?

Are you  one of the three quarters of a million members of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme with an MPO account? If you are we hope you’re finding it easy to look after your pension online and are making the most of your account.

Last year members used MPO to complete a variety of different tasks:

  • 63,552 members changed their address details
  • 66,728 members updated their personal details
  • 20,842 members applied for retirement; and
  • 17,446 updated their death grant nomination.

Have you been online recently? MPO tells you all need to know about your pension and you can use it to:
View your Benefit Statement

  • Check your service history is correct
  • Update your details
  • Fill in nomination and other forms
  • Use our calculators; and
  • Contact us securely.

Get online and keep up to date with your pension (This link opens in a new window).

If you don’t have an account you can register with 3 simple steps (This link opens in a new window)

Last Updated: 19/02/2018 14:50