2023 round up

We had a busy 2023 here at Teachers’ Pensions, so we thought it’d be helpful to give you a roundup of a few of our achievements.

Employer Portal dashboard

After taking on-board your feedback, we introduced the new and improved Employer Portal dashboard. It has a fresh new look making things easier for you to find including guidance tabs to help quickly reach key information,  videos and access to important features and resources of the Scheme. 

We’ve received positive feedback from those of you who’ve viewed and used the Employer Portal recently, but if you’re yet to check it out, let us know your thoughts once you have!

Employer hub

Another exciting change we made was to the employer hub page. Again, we took on-board your feedback and have made things easier for you to find with a better layout, helping you to receive the most from us.

Training hub 

If you haven’t seen already, we made our training section easier to find on the website. You can now find it on the top navigation bar on the employer hub. 

We want you to make the most of our fantastic opportunities, which is why we made this change. You’ll be able to find more information on all the different sessions available to employers and our members including webinars, member presentations, drop-in sessions, MCR surgeries, videos and TPAF event.

Transitional Protection changes

To support the changes to the Scheme from 1 October 2023,  we’ve created a whole host of resources on our website to help you understand them. We’ve also provided training and member resources to make sure you’re able to support your staff in understanding if they’re affected and the choices they need to make.

Keep your eyes peeled for more opportunities in 2024 to get involved in and provide further feedback.

Last Updated: 10/01/2024 12:11