Help Early Career Teachers get to know their pension

For many establishments, September brings with it the beginning of new roles for teachers.

Our New Starter section on our website is designed with Early Career Teachers (ECTs, formally known as NQTs) in mind, to learn more about their pension and the benefits of saving for life after work.

It includes information members need to know about when they first join the Scheme, such as;

  • What is a teacher’s pension?
  • What is My Pension Online?
  • How much they’ll pay
  • Transferring in previous pensions
  • Factsheets and videos.

We also share information about how having a teacher’s pension is one of the key benefits of being a teacher, but they do have the option to opt out.

Share our website with your staff today and help them get their pension planning on track.

Last Updated: 24/08/2021 10:00