
Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) Submissions
Please can all Multi Academy Trusts (MAT) note that April’s file submission must either be:

  • One file and one payment for all the establishments (MAT and academies) or,
  • Separate files and separate payments for the MAT (for centrally employed staff) and each academy.

Calculating Contribution tiers
We’ve had several queries recently on how to calculate the correct tier for part-time members and those doing overtime. For part-time service, the tier should correlate to the pensionable salary earned within that month, multiplied by 12 (not the full-time equivalent salary). For eligible members undertaking pensionable overtime, this doesn’t form part of the tier calculation, but contributions should be deducted at the “normal” salary tier rate.

When a refund of overpaid contributions is due and has been processed by you, the Monthly Breakdown form should take account of the reduction in pensionable salary, employer contributions and member contributions. This will stop the form resulting in a ratio error. This scenario excludes all employers who’ve on-boarded to Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (This link opens in a new window) (MCR) as MCR encompasses processes included in the Monthly Breakdown form.

When a member is on maternity pay, contributions are paid on the actual amount paid and not the notional salary the member would have been on (if not absent).

Last Updated: 23/03/2021 13:46