Virtual drop-in session

From January 2021 we’ll be launching a monthly employer drop-in session.

These will be for general queries (nothing member specific) that would benefit from being discussed amongst other employers or with our teams.

Each session will include:

  • A quarterly update from us
  • Advance questions – you’ll be asked to submit questions in advance, then these will be discussed
  • Questions in the meeting – If time allows, we’ll open the floor for other questions

Dates planned for the first three months are:

  • Wednesday 20th January 2pm - 3pm
  • Wednesday 17th February 2pm - 3pm
  • Wednesday 17th March 2pm - 3pm

Based on the response to our survey in August, attendance numbers have been limited to establishment attends. As the update will span three months at a time you’ll only need to attend one every three months

You can register onto one of our first three drop-in sessions here.

Last Updated: 17/12/2020 15:59