MCR bulletin

Earlier in the month we sent our Monthly Contributions Reconciliation (MCR) Bulletin to all employers.

This included a story on a new feature available our website that will allow you to see the on-boarding availability we have in upcoming months before you submit your On-boarding form.

To help you with the on-boarding process, we’ve also created a checklist document which gives you a step by step guide into everything you’ll need to do. As an interactive document, you can check off each item on your computer, or you can print it to have a paper copy.

We also highlighted our new MCR FAQs , designed to cover and answer the most important MCR based queries.

Along with these stories, you can catch up on the enhanced MCR training , common MCR errors and the updates we’ve made to our guides .

If you missed the email update, you can view on our website .

Last Updated: 27/10/2020 09:54