Finance update

Prior year arrears

We’ve recently identified that some of you are submitting prior year arrears via the normal monthly contributions. If arrears are identified for prior years, you should contact us and we’ll issue a separate invoice. Invoices should be settled in full and then internal arrangements should be made to recover arrears from the member.


Monthly contributions

It’s acknowledged that some of you have had difficulty in paying your monthly contributions over the last few months. Now that employers are returning to some form of normality, we need to address the outstanding contributions. For some of you, this will mean engaging in a monthly repayment plan to catch up. In the first instance, any repayment proposals should be forwarded to our finance management for consideration.


Monthly breakdown forms

Can we take the opportunity to remind you that when submitting your monthly contributions, you should also be submitting the monthly breakdown form too. We currently have in excess of 3,000 outstanding forms and will shortly be contacting employers with details.


Interfund adjustments

We have a number of interfund adjustments that remain outstanding. It’s your responsibility to rectify this with us by settlement of the invoice issued, whilst also taking steps to recover funds erroneously paid to the Local Government Pension Scheme.


Last Updated: 22/09/2020 10:57