Mismatched payments on monthly contributions submissions

Every month we continue to see a number of mismatches on monthly contributions submissions which require amending.

For reference, below is how you can prevent these mismatches occurring with refunds and maternity pay, which are the two largest causes for mismatched payments:

If there’s a refund to be taken for member and employer contributions, and a tier is adjusted downward accordingly, then the corresponding salary value should also be deducted from the pensionable salary.

Maternity Pay
When a member is on maternity leave the figures entered in the Monthly Breakdown form should be the actual salary paid, member contributions, and employer contributions. Please note the employer contributions are based on the actual salary paid and not the notional salary if the member is still working. The tier is determined by the normal salary paid and not the maternity pay.

If you’re unsure what you need to input into your monthly submission, email us (This link opens in a new window) and we’ll advise you what you should be including to prevent these errors from occurring.

Last Updated: 25/08/2020 10:21