Concurrent service

We’ve identified an issue with concurrent service reported, where an incorrect number of days excluded may have been added to a member’s record.

The way concurrent service is calculated is set out in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme Regulations and has been followed correctly. However, the move from Annual Return to Monthly Data Collection (MDC) has created a change which has resulted in the discrepancy.

The introduction of Monthly Contribution Reconciliation (MCR) allows individual contracts and roles to be recorded separately against a single employer, removing this issue.

For any members who have incorrect days out, this will be picked up by us when they submit a retirement application as part of our data cleanse process.

If, however, you’re approached by a member querying the days excluded on their record, we can correct this. Although, please bear in mind that any new service added could cause similar anomalies and you may receive questions from members regarding this.

In some cases, it may be better to correct the record once you’ve on-boarded to MCR or allow the retirements process to pick it up.

If you’d like us to correct a record, the team you need to contact will depend on whether you’re submitting service via MDC or MCR:

MDC – Contact (This link opens in a new window)
MCR – Contact (This link opens in a new window)

Last Updated: 12/10/2020 13:30