Certificate of Re-employment

Retired employees who return to teaching have previously been required to complete and submit a Certificate of Re-employment to us by 5 April each year. However employers will need to advise their employees differently based on whether you are live on MDC or not*.

Employers using Monthly Data Collection (MDC)
If you are now live on MDC your employee’s will only need to fill the Certificate of Re-employment out if they receive a notification from us.

There’ll be some occasions when particular employees will need to complete the Certificate: if they’re nearing or have exceeded their earnings limit; or if they’ve multiple contracts with a single employer and choose to defer their pension. In those cases, we’ll contact them directly and let them know what they need to do.

Employers transitioning to MDC

If you are still transitioning to MDC your employees are still required to complete and submit a Certificate of Re-employment. This excludes staff who have only taken Phased or Early Retirement (AAB) awards.

Your employees will need to complete this online submission by 5 April, or as soon as possible on re-entering employment.

Please can you ensure that you remind employees who you think may not have completed this form to submit it to you as soon as possible. Please also remind them that, until you move onto MDC, should their circumstances change (for example a change in pay) they must complete and submit a new certificate.

There are some exceptions that you need to be aware of: employees with irregular hours or supply teachers, who will need to complete and return the form as soon as possible after the relevant financial year end rather than by 5 April.

How to complete the form

If your employees need to complete the Certificate they can do this easily online using My Pension Online. Please guide them to the registration page if they don’t have an account www.teacherspensions.co.uk/register (This link opens in a new window).

Once your employees have completed and submitted Part A of the Certificate you should complete Part B and submit it to us via the Employer Portal.

Note for MDC - If you cannot complete the Certificate until the end of the current tax year, you should complete the first two questions and then save the form for completion when service and salary is available. This will halt the reminder process to members.

*Important information for those not on MDC

Please be aware that from this April you’ll not be able to submit data to us via an Annual Service Return. You need to contact us immediately to arrange on-boarding to MDC.

Last Updated: 21/03/2018 13:14