Training opportunities in the coming months

We’re been busy working up a programme of webinars and seminars to run between September and December and adding to our online learning resources.  This is what we’ll be offering:

Day seminar – taking place around England and Wales, we’ll be offering 4 seminars a month.  We’ve updated the seminar to incorporate both methods of submitting service details and also changed the format to cover the following:-

Service (morning session)


Audit and End of Year Certificate

Employer Portal and website

Service Submissions

Members (afternoon session)

Starters & leavers





As well as the ‘Introduction to Monthly Data Collection’, we’ll be introducing a further webinar for those employers who have started the on-boarding process. We’re also looking into creating a webinar for ‘new employers’ and re-introducing an updated Auto Enrolment webinar.

Keep up to date with our training programme here.  If there’s additional training you would like to see us deliver, please share your ideas by emailing

Online learning resource

Following the introduction of the ‘starters and leavers’ and ‘retirement options’ online learning resources we mentioned in our recent bulletins, we’ve also now created bite size videos on ‘understanding contributions’. There’s an overview video along with three follow on videos guiding employers through the process.

Take a look at our online resources here.


Last Updated: 28/08/2018 14:49