Annual Return

As you’ll be aware HM Revenue & Customs require employers to provide data to administrators by the 6 July each year. Therefore, it’s essential you provide robust and accurate data to allow your employees time to receive their Pension Savings Statement and carry out self-assessment procedures on time. Failure to provide such data on time could result in affected members not receiving their Pension Savings Statement in time to notify HM Revenue & Customs of any tax charges. This means you’ll be failing to meet the duties placed on you which, ultimately, could result in you being fined.

All teachers employed within your authority/establishment must be included on the Annual Return regardless of whether or not they work full-time, part-time or have opted out of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.

For information about the Annual Return process please visit our dedicated area online here. You can also contact your Employer Relationship Manager to discuss your options or view our new Annual Return online learning module.

Please note that the Annual Return template, like all other templates has been updated to include a field to capture overtime. This is not relevant for the submission covering the period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 and therefore overtime does not need to be included.

Last Updated: 08/08/2018 11:24