Scheme Arrangements Report - Update

The latest test release of the Scheme Arrangement All Members Report is now available to download from the Employer Portal. This latest release includes new appointments, but excludes existing members for whom our last recorded service ended on or 31 March 2011.

A final cut of the ‘All Members Report’ will be released on the 13 March, to provide you with the most recent information prior to the start of the Career Average arrangement on 1 April.

To download the file please login to the Employer Portal, go to the ‘Download a File (STU)’ section, and under ‘Categories’ select ‘Scheme Arrangement Notification’. Please look at the most recently available report for the latest version.

This report will not include the following:

  • Members who have been auto-enrolled or who have opted back in to the Scheme with no recorded service after that date
    • The ‘Monthly Changes Report’ – from May 2015 – will include members joining in the preceding month as a result of auto-enrolment or an employer opt-in.
  • Members with a failed retirement (e.g. a cancelled retirement application) , will not appear.

The purpose of the report is to provide you with an indication of the scheme arrangements that your employees will be in from 1 April 2015. You may wish to use this report in a variety of ways; for example to update your payroll records to identify which employees will pay contributions on non-contractual overtime, or to identify those members to whom you wish to provide information on flexibilities in the Career Average arrangement.

We are developing tools to support you in communicating your staff, and further details will be provided on these, via the website, in the run up to 1 April.

The report contains the members we currently have listed as active in the scheme and in your employment, and details whether they will transition into the Career Average arrangement, and if so when, or will remain in the Final Salary arrangements. The information is based on the service details reported to us by employers and as such can only be as accurate as the information we are provided with.

If employees are missing when they should be included, or are included when they have left your employment, please provide a TR6 or TR8 form to respectively report the start or leaving date. Any new appointment notifications still being processed at the point the file is generated will not be included, and members with leaver notifications within the last month will be included.

From May 2015 a Monthly Changes Report will be provided, detailing employees who have just entered the scheme, changed employers, changed arrangements or are within three months of their tapered protection end date. An All Members Report (based on our latest records) can still be obtained by requesting a copy from the Employer Support team.

Further information on the Scheme Arrangement reports is available in the Payroll Guide, available on the Teachers’ Pensions website, at:

If you have any queries on the content of the report please contact the Employer Support team by email: (This link opens in a new window).

Last Updated: 14/07/2017 14:32