Top tips for exam season

Exam season isn’t just a stressful time for students, it can take a toll on teachers as well. We’re sure that as a teacher you’ve been supporting your students during this time and there’s no doubt that many of you are going above and beyond to be there for them. While this is great, it’s also important to remember to take care of yourself and seek support when needed during this time.

Our first top tip is to take care of your health and wellbeing. This can be done by prioritising a good night’s sleep, eating well, and exercising. Prioritising these key aspects can result in you being more energised and overall, more prepared to take on exam season. With the stresses that come with exam season, paying extra attention to your wellbeing can help you deal with those pressures. For steps to feel less stressed, check out the NHS advice (This link opens in a new window).

Our second top tip is to take a break. It’s common practice for teachers to provide further revision sessions outside of school hours for their students. Taking this into account, plus all the other extra work you do outside of school hours, it can sometimes become overwhelming, especially with exam season. Taking a break and switching off every now and then can do wonders to help you deal with the stress that comes with exam season.

Our third top tip is to get support. When you’re stressed the best thing to do is reach out and get support. Going through something on your own can be difficult which is why getting the help you need is so important. This can be done by talking to friends, family, or colleagues which may make you feel better. Alternatively, there are online resources and helplines such as Education Support (This link opens in a new window) that provide immediate, confidential support from qualified professionals.

Finally, look forward to the end goal. With the end of exam season, you’ll also be going on your well-deserved break over the summer. Remembering that you have things to look forward to, whether that be a holiday or just having some time to yourself, can help you push through these weeks.

Many of us will remember how daunting exam season was for us as students, but it’s easy to forget that teachers get stressed during this time too. So, this exam season if you’re feeling stressed try out these top tips which may help you and remember always get support if you need it. Good luck and thank you for everything you’ve done!




Last Updated: 20/06/2024 12:24